
Chakras, which in Sanskrit literally means “wheel” or “disk,” refers to the seven types of energies inside the body. Learning how to balance the chakras is often an essential part of spiritual counseling. Use this FAQ to better understand more about how chakras function, the chakra-balancing process, and how chakra maintenance can enable a more harmonious life. 

Common Questions About Chakras & Spiritual Counseling

What are the chakras?

spiritual counselingEach chakra is a swirling wheel of energy corresponding with a specific point on your body. They align with different organs and bodily systems to affect your spiritual and emotional state of being.

Where are my chakras located?

Known as the chakras of matter because of how they relate to your physical being, the first three are located along the spinal region. The spirit chakras are three that are located along the neck and ascend up into the head. At the center of the heart, the fourth chakra helps bridge the chakras of matter and spirit together.

How are chakras opened and closed?

When you have a negative experience, the chakra associated with that particular energy closes, in order to keep that influx of energy out. Conversely, positive interactions can cause chakras to open much wider, and allow good energy to flow in. For instance, the constriction you feel after a particularly stressful day or event is one or more of your chakras closing off. However, the euphoria you may experience while dancing at a concert or cracking up during a hilarious movie are examples of your chakras opening up. 

How is chakra balancing helpful?

Every day, you are subjected to a number of demands, activities, and other energies that cause you to either feel drained or nourished in different ways. This leads to fluctuations in your own energy flow, where some chakras might be too overactive, while others are left blocked or closed up. The practice of balancing chakras helps to align these energies, fortifying the connection your mind, body, soul, and spirit to restore your sense of well-being.  

What are some practices I can use to balance my chakras?

There are actually several processes used in spiritual counseling to balance the chakras. Meditation and other breathing activities are recommended to provide self-discovery, while more physical activities, like yoga, are used to bridge the body and the mind. Then there are touch and no touch therapies, such as Reiki, craniosacral therapy, and Pranic healing, which facilitates healthy stability across the chakras.


If you’re having a hard time moving past a negative situation or painful emotions, contact Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions in Springdale, OH, to discuss spiritual counseling. Kimberly Thomas is an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church, as well as a mind, body, spirit practitioner and certified psychic medium. Her methods will get to the root of your spiritual imbalance, and together you will work on a plan to promote healing. Schedule a reading today by calling (513) 285-8810, or visit her website to learn more about her services.

