
Mediumship is a spiritual practice that creates a channel of communication between the living and spirits. Certified practitioners, known as mediums, enhance their intuition to connect with the spirit world. Here’s what everyone should know about mediumship.

5 Facts About Mediumship

1. They Are Different From Psychics

Those unfamiliar with Spiritualism may not be aware of the distinction between psychics and mediums. A psychic may not be a medium, for instance, but a medium is a psychic. Psychics use their intuition to sense information about the past, present, and future. Mediums take these abilities and use them to interact with the spirit world.

2. There Are Three Main Goals

The practice of mediumship has three main purposes. A medium must first clearly demonstrate their connection with the spirit communicator using specific personal information. They also hope to offer comfort and compassion to clients through messages from the communicator, as well as an understanding of the value of life.

3. Mediumship Has a Long History

mediumThough it may have existed under different names, mediumship dates back through history in the forms of psychic readings, visions, and prophecies. The ability to seek answers, sense non-physical energy, and utilize intuition has always existed to expand mankind’s understanding of life. Public reception of these visionaries has varied through the ages.

4. Clairvoyance Is the Most Popular Type

Spirits communicate mentally using three different channels. Clairvoyance, the most sought-after form, places an image of the spirit in the medium’s mind. With clairsentience, the medium must interpret sensed messages. A particularly rare type, clairaudience, offers a voice.

5. Everyone Has a Spiritual Sense

You may believe the potential of mediumship is limited to those born with “gifts.” In reality, everyone is a spiritual being. Tuning into your soul through means such as meditation and mediumship development circles can reveal these abilities over time. Anyone is capable of mediumship, though, of course, some do have a natural aptitude.


Mediumship is a fulfilling practice based in healing and compassion. If you are seeking psychic readings or mediumship development in the Greater Cincinnati, OH, area, contact Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions. Certified psychic medium Kimberly Thomas provides a variety of spiritual services, from clairvoyant readings to mediumship development circles. No matter where you are in life, her sessions will transform your understanding of spirituality and life itself. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 285-8810. Visit the website for information about her services.
