If your dentist recently recommended you wear full dentures, you may have some questions about the product. For example, how are they made, and what materials are they comprised of? To ensure you understand these artificial teeth and how they will benefit your oral health, consult the guide below.
How Are Dentures Created?
If you opt for a complete set of dentures, your dentist will first need to extract any remaining teeth. Once this procedure is complete, you’ll need to wait about two to three months to allow your mouth to heal fully. During this time, your jawbone and gums will likely change in size and shape while they adjust to the lack of teeth.
Once your gums have fully healed, your dentist will take multiple molds of your mouth and gums. Once they feel they have a good model, they’ll use the mold to create a wax replication of your gums. They’ll then cut and reshape the model to ensure the tighest, most accurate plate. Finally, the dentist will send the model to a dental lab, where the technicians will create your new set of false teeth.
What Are Dentures Made Of?
There are a few material options available for dentures. If realism is your primary concern, opt for a ceramic set—because this glass-like material is translucent, it closely resembles the appearance of enamel. Additionally, because of their translucence, this option is easiest to match to the color of your natural teeth. Conversely, if comfort is what you’re interested in, porcelain is the easiest to adjust to, as these dentures have the closest mouth-feel to natural teeth.
If you think you need dentures, talk to the team at Four Corners Dental Group. These professionals offer a variety of services, from emergency appointments to cosmetic procedures. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (907) 258-3384 to schedule an appointment in Anchorage. Or, dial (907) 376-2790 to reach their location in Wasilla.