
Adding a houseplant to your home is among the most affordable and effective ways to brighten up the interior and freshen the indoor air. However, cat owners should take extra care when selecting plants, as their pets are at risk of many adverse health effects when exposed to certain vegetation. To protect your kitten, here are a few houseplants that veterinarians suggest staying away from.

What Houseplants Should Cat Owners Avoid?

1. Aloe Vera

Popular for its low-maintenance, soothing appearance, and medicinal properties, aloe vera can be found in millions of homes nationwide. While these succulents are low-cost and provide a welcome measure of greenery, they contain bitter-tasting, toxic compounds called saponins.

This chemical can irritate humans, but cats may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy when exposed to it. Instead of aloe vera, look for feline-safe succulents such as echeveria or Christmas cactus.

2. Lilies


Many varieties of lilies, such as the Easter, peace, or tiger lily, are dangerous to your pet. Cats who chew or consume these flowers require immediate attention from a veterinarian due to the risk of kidney failure. Other effects include vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, drooling, and difficulty breathing and swallowing. 

If you have these flowers at home, place them somewhere your cat can't reach, so they have no opportunities to chew or eat them. For a safer alternative, look for species such as Peruvian, St. Bernard's, and red palm lilies. These blooms are not true lilies, and therefore, nontoxic to your pet. 

3. Jade Plants

Also known as money plants, these succulents are characterized by thick, deep green leaves thought to bring good fortune. However, jade plants are toxic to your pet, causing lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and poor coordination. Cats that consume the leaves may also exhibit signs of depression, such as a lack of grooming or excessive sleeping or hiding. While you can keep the plant out of reach and pick up fallen leaves daily, the safest option for your pet is to remove it.


If you need help choosing houseplants that are safe for your four-legged family member, get in touch with the veterinarians at Waipio Pet Clinic in Waipahu, HI. Serving clients across Oahu, this clinic is staffed by caring professionals with years of experience who use the latest veterinary technology to protect your pet's health. Call them at (808) 676-2205 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their services. Follow them on Instagram for the latest updates.
