
If you have low bone density, you could be more at risk for conditions like osteoporosis. Your doctor will likely test your bones to monitor this risk over time. This involves a bone density procedure. The following guide will break down the basics of these tests so you’ll know what to expect during a diagnostic imaging appointment. 

What You Should Know About Bone Densitometries

What Is a Bone Density Test?

A bone density test is a non-invasive procedure that uses dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to measure bone density. The test utilizes a small amount of radiation to display an image of your bones, usually in the lower spine and hip region. The doctor may also test your forearm. Your health care provider will review your bone density and recommend treatment, if necessary.

Who Generally Receives These Tests?

diagnostic imagingDoctors recommend this type of diagnostic imaging test for patients who are at risk for osteoporosis or low bone density in general. Since osteoporosis is most common in post-menopausal women, doctors will often perform regular bone density tests on these female patients. Individuals who have diabetes, thyroid conditions, or a history of fractures, should also be tested. If you have a family history of osteoporosis or low bone density, they may recommend regular testing as a preventative measure. 

What Should You Expect During the Procedure? 

Once you arrive at the diagnostic imaging center, a staff member will bring you into an examination room. You will then lie on your back with your legs propped on a box at a 90-degree angle. Your hips will be under the X-ray device. If your health care provider wants to test other parts of your body, as well, the technician will place a peripheral device over the relevant area. The entire imaging test will take about 30 minutes, and you will not feel any pain. 


If you need a bone density test, the team at Hudson Valley Imaging provides trusted diagnostic testing services. Located in New Windsor, NY, they have been serving patients in Orange County since 2003. To view a full list of their diagnostic imaging services, visit them online. Call (845) 220-2222 to make an appointment.
