
One common reason homeowners call the exterminator is to get rid of an infestation of spiders. Most spiders are harmless to humans or deliver bites milder than a bee sting. Here’s what you need to know about the harmful spiders in Missouri to identify them and call a pest control service.

What Makes a Spider Dangerous?

Almost all known species of spiders are predators. They all have fangs, and nearly all of them have venom glands. However, most can’t hurt humans. Their venom is too mild, or their fangs are too small or positioned incorrectly to deliver a solid bite. There are three species of spiders in the continental US that can give a human a dangerous bite, only two of which are found in Missouri.

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

exterminatorThe number one factor that attracts spiders is other bugs that they can eat. If you have a problem with ants, termites, or any other insect, call an exterminator promptly to get rid of the spiders’ food supply. They also like warm, slightly damp places, so address any water leaks or excess humidity to take away their water source. Be extra careful when going to seldom-used areas of the house, because spiders like to hide or build webs in private, out-of-the-way corners. Finally, if you find one spider, kill it, or get rid of it quickly since spiders that are ready to mate can attract many more of their kind.

Spiders to Watch Out for in Missouri

Brown Recluse

The brown recluse is a yellowish, tan, or brown spider with long legs and a small body that is a quarter-inch to under an inch. They have a darker brown, violin-shaped marking on their backs, with the violin’s base at their head and the neck pointing toward the abdomen. Their bite causes fever, nausea, chills, and a rash at the bite site. The bite can blister and form an ulcer that may grow larger for weeks after the bite. If you have a brown recluse bite, you should go to the emergency room.

Black Widow

This iconic spider is shiny and black, with a large, bulbous abdomen. Females usually have a bright red hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of their abdomens, although they may have other red markings instead. Males may have red dots on their undersides or no markings. The black widow’s venom affects the nervous system. In addition to burning and swelling, you may notice muscle cramps, pain, and stiffness; difficulty breathing; nausea; abdominal pain; and weakness or tremors. The bite can be fatal in children, so they should be taken to the emergency room. Adults should see a doctor after the bite, or go to the emergency room if symptoms are severe.


If you need to discuss a spider problem with an exterminator, call Denning Pest Control in Jefferson City, MO. Serving Columbia and all of central Missouri for over 60 years, this local, family-owned pest control company was the first licensed and certified provider in the state. To schedule a free inspection, call (573) 442-4010 or visit their website.
