
A dehumidifier removes water vapor from the air inside your home, reducing the risk of condensation. While you can invest in a small, portable option to address a single room, the most efficient way to reduce moisture throughout the home is by connecting a full-sized dehumidifier to your HVAC system. Here are several advantages of investing in this upgrade.

Why Should You Install a Whole-Home Dehumidifier?

1. Reduce Mold Growth

If the air in your home is above 50% humidity, water will condense on cool surfaces and encourage mold growth. These microbe colonies create unattractive spots on surfaces, destroy organic materials, and release toxic spores. Inhaling these spores can result in allergy-like symptoms and trigger asthma attacks. If you have noticed mold growing in moist areas of the home, a dehumidifier allows you to remove moisture from the air, depriving mold of what it needs to grow and helping you clean affected areas.

2. Protect Your Belongings


Many materials can experience permanent damage after exposure to excess water vapor, such as wood furniture, leather, paper, and drywall. These items can develop dark or yellowish stains due to water damage, and wood, leather, and paper can swell and warp. This is especially problematic for important documents, such as financial records and photographs, as they may become unreadable due to damage. Controlling the humidity protects these materials, saving you money and preserving your records and memories.

3. Improve the Home’s Comfort

When the air is too humid, it feels hotter. In winter, the excess humidity settles into your clothing and wicks heat away from your skin quickly, making you feel colder. To avoid this, the ideal humidity level in the home is around 40% to 50%. This level is not damp enough to feel cold and clammy, but not so dry that it irritates your throat and skin. Maintaining this humidity level makes the home more comfortable, so you won’t have to run the air conditioner or furnace as often, helping you save money.


If you're interested in installing a whole-home dehumidifier, contact Absolute Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning in Lincoln, NE. For over 25 years, this HVAC company has been serving residents and businesses throughout Lancaster County, earning an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau®. Call (402) 430-3959 to speak with a team member about your needs. Visit them online for more information about their HVAC services.
