
Being focused during the day is easier with good rest. However, even if you’re turning off your devices and heading to bed at a decent hour, the temperature can affect your ability to sleep well. To create the best conditions for bedtime, here are a few HVAC tricks that make it easier to doze off.  

How an HVAC System Can Help You Sleep Better

1. Program the Thermostat 

Resting in a cooler environment increases melatonin production, which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. Therefore, program the thermostat to readjust the temperatures around bedtime. While everyone’s needs can vary, most people do well when the thermostat is set between 65 and 70 degrees

2. Control the Humidity 

If you wake up feeling dry and itchy or cold and clammy, the humidity levels could be to blame. Fortunately, many HVAC systems—such as those manufactured by Aprilaire®—offer humidity control capabilities to adjust the moisture in the air. While you’ll need to take time to figure out which setting is best for your comfort level, HVAC contractors recommend an indoor relative humidity between 30% and 60%


3. Use the Ceiling Fan 

Turning on the ceiling fans will promote good airflow to help you relax and feel less constricted. If you don’t need extra heating or cooling, consider turning the HVAC off overnight in favor of the fan. Spinning it counterclockwise will push cool air downward while turning it clockwise recirculates heat that has risen. Therefore, utilizing it properly can increase your comfort and save you energy. 

4. Enhance the Air Quality 

If you have allergies, common airborne allergens—such as dust and pet dander—may impair your breathing at night and have you waking with uncomfortable symptoms. To improve air quality, replace your HVAC filters at least once every 60 to 90 days. If you’re still experiencing problems, talk to an HVAC contractor about installing purifying upgrades. 

5. Address Noisy Operation 

HVAC noises that keep you up at night—such as grinding, clanging, or whirring—could indicate a need for equipment repair. If a technician can’t repair the noise issues, consider upgrading the equipment. Most new models from Aprilaire® operate quietly for ease of enjoyment. 


When you’re dreaming of better temperature control, Absolute Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning will make it a reality. Serving Lincoln, NE, homeowners for three decades, this contractor maintains, repairs, and upgrades HVAC systems to deliver reliable comfort. If you need a climate control makeover, this team also installs new systems from leading manufacturers—such as Aprilaire® and American Standard®. To learn more about their affordable capabilities, visit this heating and cooling company online or call (402) 430-3959.
