
Your air conditioner plays a key role in keeping you cool on the hottest days of the year. As with all appliances, however, it’s prone to developing problems with age. While scheduling HVAC repairs may suffice if it’s a minor issue, in some instances, it may be more economical to invest in a new unit if yours has one of the following signs.

When to Replace Your HVAC

1. It’s Older

According to the United States Department of Energy, the average life expectancy of a standard HVAC system is approximately 15 to 20 years. Once it reaches this point, you may notice that you need to schedule air conditioner service more frequently. Since fixing it is only delaying the inevitable, it becomes more worthwhile to get a new unit than to pay for repairs and a replacement in a few year’s time.

HVAC2. It’s Inefficient

Your system doesn’t necessarily have to be 20 years old to lack efficiency. Even those that are only a decade old may not be cooling your home with as much agility as a more modern system would. If your energy bills have skyrocketed without explanation, you are likely to save money over time by opting for an energy-conserving replacement. 

3. It’s Not Right for the Job

If your air conditioner only cools parts of the home and not the rest, it might not be large enough to accommodate the space. Alternatively, if it cycles on and off repeatedly and close together, it might be too large and, therefore, brings the temperature down too quickly. While this latter issue might not seem like a problem, when your HVAC runs for less time, it can’t perform its other duties—like dehumidifying and purifying the air—as well. As a result, pollen, dust, and other contaminants may linger in the air, affecting your indoor air quality.


Are you concerned that your air conditioner has reached the end of its useful life? Trust in the HVAC contractors at Absolute Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning to assist you. Based in Lincoln, NE, owner Darren Kaulk has over 30 years experience with everything from repairs to new installations. Visit them online to find out more about their offerings, or call them at (402) 430-3959 to schedule an appointment.
