Sand and gravel are two of the most basic—and critical—components in most types of construction. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), around 4,100 companies and government agencies in the country produce sand and gravel, amounting to $7.2 billion in value.
The Ubiquity of Sand & Gravel
If you live in an urban area, pretty much everything you see, from roads to bridges to buildings, is made primarily of concrete, which is cement mixed with construction aggregates, including sand and gravel. These materials have been a huge part of our lives since the early days of civilization. As some of the most easily accessible natural resources for construction, they have literally helped build towns, cities, and countries.
Use of Sand in Construction
The main types of sand used in construction are pit, river, and M sand. Pit sand is coarse, angular, has a red-orange color, and is used mostly in concreting. River sand has a fine quality, is usually whitish-gray in color, and is used for plastering. M sand, also known as crushed stone sand or artificial sand, is manufactured by crushing granite or basalt and is used as a substitute for river sand.
Use of Gravel in Construction
Gravel is mined from deposits in river, lake, and ocean beds and sifted to produce commercial gravel products. Some of the more common types of gravel include crushed stone, pea gravel, and white marble chips. Crushed stone is used in residential driveways, drainage systems, and ready-mix concrete. Pea gravel is typically used for loose-fill pathways and playground surfaces. White marble chips are the preferred aggregate for decorative purposes, such as landscaping.
Whether you’re constructing a parking lot for your commercial building or a driveway for your home, LaSalle Sand & Gravel of Kalispell, MT, can help. Their products include the finest sand, gravel, and ornamental rocks, and they can handle everything from large-scale projects to backyard jobs. They also offer excavation and clearing services. Call (406) 756-9070 today or visit their website for additional information.