3 Reasons Your Internet Service May Be Slow
By WVT Fiber
If your home or business Wi-Fi is slow, it can make even basic tasks—like sending an email or checking the news—frustrating, especially if you’re paying for quality internet service. While every situation is different, there are some common culprits. This guide explains a few factors that might lead to sluggish browsing and how you can solve them.
What Causes Slow Internet Service?
1. Viruses
If your device is the only one on the network that’s struggling to stay up to speed, your computer may be burdened with malware and viruses. These pieces of software could be downloaded if you click suspicious links, visit untrustworthy websites, or download files from disreputable sources. These programs will often run quietly in the background, eluding all but the most computer savvy and sapping processing power. To combat malware, download anti-virus software, and update it regularly to ensure it can handle the latest threats.
2. Router Distance
Sometimes, the router is just too far away from your computer for a strong signal to reach it. This is particularly a problem in old homes that still have lathe and plaster—the Wi-Fi signal will struggle to penetrate through the walls. Move your computer closer, or set up a wired connection so that your device doesn’t have to rely on the wireless signal.
3. Old Cables
Many small businesses use wired connections because they’re faster and more reliable. However, if the cables used for your network infrastructure are aging or were low-quality to begin with, your employees may have a hard time accessing the internet without a severe lag. Have your IT department check the cables and replace any that are worn, bent, or broken.
Still struggling with slow internet services? Warwick Valley Telephone Company in Orange County, NY, has served the Tri-State area for over a century, providing landline phone installation and maintenance services, high-speed internet, and cable access. To learn more about their offerings, visit them online. Call (845) 986-8080 to upgrade your internet and speed up your Wi-Fi.