
According to preventative dentistry specialists, brushing and flossing alone won’t protect kids from cavities. Dental caries or tooth decay is caused by bacteria that break down the protective enamel of teeth. This is one of the most common chronic diseases in kids ages six to 19. As a parent, it’s important that you know what causes cavities so you can take proactive measures to protect your child from it.

Below are some of the common causes of cavities:

  • preventative dentistrySugary or Highly Acidic Diet: Sweets are the most common culprit behind tooth decay, but prolonged exposure to the feeding bottle can also promote acidic bacterial infection. Children should have a well-rounded diet in order to strengthen their bones and help them become more resistant to diseases.

  • Direct Contact: Bacteria that cause tooth decay can be transmitted through direct contact with someone who has it. This includes sharing utensils, drinks, or even through kisses. It’s critical that all members of your family observe proper dental hygiene to ensure that your kids won’t be exposed to harmful bacteria.

  • Poor Hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing is a great preventive measure against cavities, but it’s not always enough. On top of a consistent oral care regimen, kids have to see a preventative dentistry specialist twice a year to undergo caries risk assessment. This will tell you and your dentist which treatment plan best suits your child to minimize their chances of contracting any type of oral infection.

As a parent, the best thing you can do for your child is to create a consistent dental hygiene program as early as possible. This way, they can avoid experiencing the severe pain caused by tooth decay as they get older. Find an experienced emergency dentist for kids at Discovery Dental in Eagle River, AK. They’ve been offering comprehensive dental care for kids since 2013. You may book an appointment with them by calling (907) 622-5437. You may also visit their website to learn about their preventative dentistry treatments.
