
Many parents are often surprised to discover their child has a cavity. However, it's a common issue that can cause pain and infections that impact your child's ability to eat and speak. Fortunately, they're easy to prevent by teaching your child proper oral care and avoiding these mistakes.

4 Children's Oral Care Errors to Avoid

1. Believing Baby Teeth Are Unimportant

While baby teeth do fall out eventually, that doesn’t mean you should overlook potential problems. Baby teeth hold the space for a child’s permanent set to grow in properly. Tooth decay can cause crowding and misalignment, leading to the need for costly and extensive dental treatments, like braces, later on.

2. Unsupervised Brushing


Children are generally capable of brushing their teeth effectively after age 8. Before then, supervise their oral care routine. Young children might be eager to do a good job but won’t know how to do so. For example, some children might use the wrong amount of toothpaste. Too little toothpaste can leave behind bacteria in the mouth, while too much can cause the teeth to become streaky, a condition known as fluorosis. Brushing too hard can also wear down their enamel.

3. Thinking All Healthy Foods Are Good for Teeth

Though you likely know that sweets promote tooth decay, you may not realize that some healthy foods do so too. For instance, oranges and lemons are rich in vitamin C, but their citric acid can wear away enamel and hasten decay. Bananas and raisins are sticky and may encourage cavity development when left on the teeth. 

That doesn't mean your child should stop eating these foods. Instead, serve them together with meals, so your child will produce more saliva to wash away food particles from their teeth.

4. Delaying the First Dental Visit

The American Dental Association recommends that children visit the dentist before their first birthday. By this time, growing baby teeth might already have cavities. If your child has yet to see a pediatric dentist, make an appointment soon. You'll find out if your child has oral problems and can consult the dentist on how to prevent them.


With the help of the professionals at Discovery Dental, you can preserve your child's radiant smile. Serving the Eagle River, AK, area since 2013, their compassionate staff provides exams, cavity treatment, and teeth cleaning, among other dental care services, in a kid-friendly office. Call (907) 622-5437 today to set up an appointment, or visit their website to find out more about their team.
