
The presence of ice on your air conditioner nearly always indicates a problem with your system. Taking the right steps when you find it can help you avoid costly repairs, and even worse, replacing your entire AC unit. Use the guide below to learn about the common reasons ice forms on air conditioners and how to prevent it.

A Guide to Ice Buildup on Air Conditioners

Restricted Airflow From Clogged Filters

If your air conditioner's filter is dirty or clogged, it can block air from returning to the inside unit. Restricted airflow then causes the evaporator coil to drop below freezing temperatures and accumulate ice as the humidity surrounding the air collects and freezes.

To prevent this, change your air filters regularly and avoid blockages, including curtains or furniture that might be blocking indoor returns, or debris that might have collected on the outdoor unit. More extensive issues will required a technician,  including inspecting your blower for motor malfunctions, or cleaning your evaporator coil.

Low Refrigerant in the Unit

air conditionerLow refrigerant is the most common cause of frozen evaporator coils. It occurs when the system doesn't have enough pressure to keep the temperature of the coil above freezing, causing the system to freeze.

In most cases, individuals don't know their AC has frozen until they see ice forming on the outdoor unit, or when their AC stops blowing air altogether. To prevent damages, turn off the unit immediately and let it defrost. If needed, change your air filter and open any closed supply vents throughout your house to ensure adequate airflow.

Low refrigerant typically indicates a leak. Do not attempt to replace the refrigerant without sealing the leaks first. Our technicians can help avoid potentially costly mistakes and determine the value of a leak check versus system replacement.

If you've discovered ice on your air conditioner, contact Wright Heating & Cooling in Kent, OH. For over 65 years, their team of licensed professional heating and cooling technicians has provided fast, reliable repairs for commercial and residential clients. Call (330) 673-3507 to schedule an appointment or visit their website to learn more about their services. 
