
While removing a tree can seem like the end of a problem, the remaining stump still poses issues. It can quickly lead to pests or negatively affect surrounding plants. If you’re wondering whether you need a tree stump removal service, here are some benefits this process will provide for you.

Why Should You Remove Tree Stumps?

1. Create a Safer Yard

A large tree stump can be a serious trip and fall hazard. Even with short grass, it’s difficult to see and can cause injuries if you or your children tumble over or onto it. If the person falling over is a guest, you can be held liable for the incident. Removing the stump also eliminates the chance of running over it with a mower, damaging the blades and sending wood shards firing through the air.

2. Prevent Pests

tree stump removal

Tree stumps are attractive homes for mice, termites, ants, and many other insects. They thrive in rotting wood and can breed undisturbed. Eventually, they’ll take over the yard and then enter your home. 

Subterranean termites are especially concerning because they’ll burrow below the home and eat away wood framing, forming structural instabilities. Many homeowners also worry that children can fall into a large ant pile or that mice will gnaw on electrical wiring, creating a fire risk.

3. Eliminate Diseases

Diseases like oak wilt can stay in the trunk portion of a stump even after the main tree is gone. Fungi or pests that contribute to these illnesses can then spread to surrounding growth, infecting it and perpetuating the issue. 

Digging up a stump is no easy task because of the extensive root system. Instead, tree stump removal professionals will grind it down until reaching below the soil, restoring your lawn and eliminating concerns.


Contact the tree stump removal team at Alaska Hydro Ax to clean up your property. Serving Anchorage, AK, and surrounding communities since 1981, these professionals tackle many jobs, including complete land clearing, tree removal, and heavy hauling. Learn more about their services online, and call (907) 243-6200 to speak with a team member.
