
Achieving a fair outcome in a personal injury case starts with knowing how much compensation you’re entitled to. Fortunately, personal injury law allows accident victims to recover a variety of damages, ensuring you don’t have to shoulder the financial consequences of an accident yourself. Here are just a few types of damages your attorney may pursue when you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligence.

4 Types of Damages in Personal Injury Cases

1. Medical Expenses

Hospital bills and medical treatment costs are the foundation of any personal injury claim. In addition to the initial emergency room visit, you may also seek compensation for medications, specialists you’ve seen, and the costs of any future treatment. Your award may also include any copays, coinsurance, or any other expenses paid out-of-pocket.

Documenting these losses is key to getting the compensation you deserve, so keep receipts and copies of every bill. Also, ask your doctor for an estimate of your future health care costs.

2. Lost Wages

If your injuries made it impossible to work, personal injury law allows you to pursue the income lost. In addition to work missed while recuperating, your award should also compensate the income lost when you were at doctor’s offices or physical therapy.

personal injury lawComplete records of the losses will help your attorney build a compelling case, so make a note of every day of work missed. You may also demand compensation for lost contracts and other opportunities you had to give up as a result of the injuries.

3. Reduced Earning Potential

After a serious accident, your injuries may make it impossible to continue with your old career. For instance, a construction worker who lost function in an arm after a car accident may never recover their lost earning potential. To calculate how much lifetime income was lost, your attorney may ask for tax returns, wage statements, and other financial information.

4. Pain & Suffering

Along with monetary damages, personal injury law gives you the right to seek compensation for how the accident has affected your life. Putting a dollar value on pain and suffering can be difficult, which is why it’s important to keep detailed records.

Many attorneys recommend keeping a diary of your recovery, including how the injuries affected your quality of life. Write down every social opportunity missed, describe your physical discomfort, and note every time you couldn’t participate in a favorite activity.


With nearly 40 years of experience representing accident victims throughout Enterprise and Ozark, AL, Ray T. Kennington, Attorney At Law, will help you achieve justice. Their team has an in-depth understanding of the law and the resources to build the strongest case possible. Visit their website for more on their personal injury law services, or call (334) 445-1200 to schedule a free consultation.
