
Moving can be a stressful task, especially if it's in the summer. While the warm weather and longer days may seem ideal for moving, the heat can take a toll on both you and your belongings. While hiring a moving company can help make your move easier, there are several things you can do to ensure a smooth move during the summer months.

The Dos and Don'ts of Moving in Summer



1. Plan Ahead: Summer is peak moving season, and moving company schedules fill up quickly. Be sure to book your moving company as soon as possible to avoid last-minute scrambling. Also, plan your move-in date during the weekdays to avoid the weekend rush.

2. Stay Hydrated: Moving in the summer heat can quickly lead to dehydration. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and take breaks in the shade or air conditioning to avoid heat exhaustion.

3. Pack Smart: The summer heat can be harsh on your belongings, especially those that are sensitive to temperature changes. Be sure to pack items such as electronics, candles, and other heat-sensitive items separately and transport them in your air-conditioned vehicle.


1. Leave Items in the Car: Leaving items in your car during the summer months can lead to heat damage, especially for items such as candles, electronics, and even furniture. Make sure to transport all your belongings into a temperature-controlled environment as soon as possible.

2. Wait Until the Last Minute to Pack: With moving company schedules filling up quickly during the summer, waiting until the last minute to pack can lead to a stressful and rushed move. Start packing as early as possible to ensure a smooth and organized move.

3. Forget About Your Pets: Moving can be stressful for your furry friends too. Be sure to keep them hydrated, cool, and comfortable during the move. Consider leaving them with a friend or in a pet-friendly hotel if needed.



If you're in the Cincinnati, OH area and looking for a reliable moving company to help with your summer move, consider Big John Movers. With years of experience, they offer professional and efficient moving services to ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Contact them today at (513) 244-5646 or visit their website to learn more.
