
Hard chrome plating is a popular finish for plastic injection molds. As long as you’re not planning on changing the design, applying a protective coating is the easiest way to reduce the risk of wear. Plus, the durable quality of this material offers a variety of benefits that could help to boost production. Here’s a closer look to help you determine the necessity of this service. 

What Are the Reasons to Secure Hard Chrome Plating for Plastic Injection Molds?

1. Preserves the Shape of the Mold

Mass production is a common manufacturing technique, recognizing the current demand and ensuring a ready supply of products. However, this forces their molds to undergo an excessive amount of use. With hard chrome plating, the coating will increase the rigidity of the material and cause it to maintain its exact measurements. 

2. Resists Heat Naturally

hard chrome plating

The heat of the plastic as it goes into the mold can jeopardize the integrity because constant exposure causes the material to warp and require a replacement. Fortunately, hard chrome plating is naturally resistant to heat and creates a protective barrier that helps to prevent damage and ensures continued quality. 

3. Reduces the Risk of Corrosion

Moisture is known to react with metal materials by causing them to corrode, gradually eating through the surface and weakening the integrity of the structure. Hard chrome plating isn’t susceptible to corrosion, and it will maintain its metallic coating. Applying the process to your molds will render the moisture ineffective and ensure the material remains completely intact once it evaporates. 

4. Allows for Smooth Production 

Adding another layer of material might raise concerns about friction, which could cause the plastic to stick in the mold. Hard chrome plating reduces that risk by producing a smooth finish that evenly coats every angle. There won't be any pores or points to catch at the material, and your products can continue to move on down the line.


Start planning a hard chrome plating application by working with R.A. Heller Co. of Cincinnati, OH. With more than 70 years in the business, this local machine shop maintains an assortment of state-of-the-art equipment in its 20,000-square-foot facility. They provide a variety of services, including precision grinding and chrome plating. Call (513) 771-6100 to place an order or visit their website for additional information on their services. 
