
Solar systems don’t have moving parts, so they’re usually easier to maintain than other household equipment. However, as reliable and user-friendly as panels are, they can develop problems over time. If you recently had some installed, you might encounter some of the following issues.

What Are Common Solar System Problems?

1. Snail Trails

Snail trails look like stains left by slugs. However, these dark brown lines are created by moisture that seeps through the back panel and discolors the glass. The blemishes themselves usually aren’t dark enough to affect the energy production of the devices. Still, they may indicate tiny cracks or other problems that can become more serious in the long run.

2. Heat Fade

solar systems

While a solar system uses the sun to generate energy, excessive heat can reduce its efficiency over time. Too much direct sunlight often causes this problem, indicating you should change the orientation of the panels. However, it can also be due to faulty wiring that produces too much heat. If the system struggles to generate enough energy, a technician can replace the affected parts and adjust the equipment’s placement.

3. Debris and Animal Nests

Anything that keeps sunlight from the surface of your solar panels can affect energy production, even if the equipment is working perfectly. Accumulated dirt and debris usually cause reduced power generation, but birds can also build nests directly on the devices.

Fortunately, you can remove dirt, grime, and other obstructions with a simple garden hose and soapy water. Cleaning the solar panels once a year should keep them pristine enough to produce all the energy your home needs.


If you come across these issues, contact Solar Help Hawaii in Honolulu. As Oahu’s most trusted solar contractor, this local company has helped families on the island slash their energy bills for 25 years. They pride themselves on offering impeccable service and five-year warranties. Visit their website to learn how they can help you maintain your solar system, or call (808) 548-4357 to request an estimate today.
