
It’s a known fact that following a strict oral health routine is vital to keeping our teeth clean and healthy. Professional cleanings and exams can do a lot to improve and preserve your oral health, especially if you take preventive measures, but there’s no substitute for daily maintenance when it comes to your teeth. In Coffee County, AL, Enterprise Dental Associates provides premier dental services to patients of all ages, and they’re always offering advice to their patients for better oral health.

Here are four tips they offer for a healthier mouth for your next dentist visit:

  • dentistProper Brushing: The average American takes less than one minute to brush his or her teeth; however, studies conducted by the American Dental Association recommend that you brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day. This allows you to eliminate bacteria that builds up on your teeth from the acidic and sugary food and drinks that you may consume between dentist visits.
  • Regular Flossing: Flossing is a habit that is nearly just as important as brushing. Nooks and crevices that your toothbrush cannot reach can be cleaned through flossing—it gets rid of bacteria from the gum line, which is crucial in preventing periodontal disease. Without this practice, your teeth will not be completely cleaned.
  • Adequate Hydration: Water can play a major role in improving your oral health. When you are hydrated, your saliva levels remain healthy. Saliva aids in flushing out food particles and combating plaque that causes tooth decay.

Seeking professional teeth cleaning services a few times a year can also help maintain and preserve the good health of your teeth and gums. Consult a reputable dentist regarding other measures you can take to make your teeth stronger and look better. For expert general dentistry procedures, call Enterprise Dental Associates at (334) 347-9564 or send a message through their website.
