
If you're looking to sell your home, an open house can be a great way to showcase your property to potential buyers. However, setting up an open house can be challenging, especially if you've never done it before. To help you make the most of your event, here’s a list of tips for you to consider. 

How to Properly Set Up an Open House

1. Declutter & Stage 

The first step to preparing your home for an open house is to declutter and stage it. This means removing personal items such as family photos or memorabilia and organizing your space to make it feel welcoming and spacious. Additionally, consider staging your home with some tasteful decor to make it feel cozy and inviting. 

2. Choose a Good Day & Time 

Timing is everything when it comes to open houses. You want to choose a day and time that works well for potential buyers. Typically, weekends are the best time to hold an open house, as most people are off work and have more free time. Additionally, aim to hold your event during the afternoon when natural light can showcase your home's best features. 

3. Advertise the Event 

Use social media, your realtor’s website, and other online platforms to spread the word that you’re selling a home. Additionally, consider creating physical flyers or signs to post around your neighborhood to attract local buyers. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Let your neighbors know they’re invited too. They may have friends or family who are looking to buy a home. 

4. Offer Refreshments 

A small gesture can go a long way when it comes to making potential buyers feel welcome. Consider offering some light refreshments, such as cookies, fruit, or bottled water. This can make your guests feel more comfortable and encourage them to stay longer, giving them more time to appreciate your home's features. 

5. Don’t Attend the Open House 

While you may be tempted to stick around and answer questions, it's often better to give potential buyers space to explore on their own. It may make people uncomfortable if they know the seller is present. Consider leaving the property during the event and letting your realtor take control. This can give your guests privacy and space to form their own opinions about the house. 

Hosting a successful open house requires careful planning and attention to detail. If you're looking to sell your home, Greenways Real Estate & Auction, Inc. in Covington, VA, can help. For more than 60 years, this family-owned auction company has been helping clients sell their properties throughout Virginia and West Virginia. They’re equipped to handle all aspects of the process, from preparing the open house to performing inspections. Contact them at (540) 962-1155 or visit their website to learn more about what they can do for you. 
