
We want you to know that Daymark Recovery Services remains open to help your families and our communities through this COVID-19 crisis.  Daymark has the following services that may be accessed by our community members:


  1. Mobile Engagement Team (MET):  This is a crisis service that can check up on families, traditionally in person.  We may still be able to see them in person but can also check in on them through tele-health and telephone sessions too. You may access this service 24/7/365 by calling 1-877-275-9552
  2. Routine Outpatient Therapies and Mediation Management:  For patients with a smart phone video sessions are available and for persons without smart phones telephone sessions are available.  For persons with neither, we will make accommodations.  Call the center in your area for details on how to schedule a virtual appointment.
  3. Walk-in Emergency Clinic:  For a person in a mental health or substance use crisis, our emergency clinics remain open for walk-ins.  We are only seeing emergent and urgent patients.  Routine patients will be seen through tele-health after the emergency is resolved. 
  4. Facility Based Crisis: This is an inpatient unit traditionally for adults and we offer detox and mental health crisis services.  We have seen an influx in people taking advantage of being out of work and deciding to get off of the drugs or alcohol they had addictions to.  We encourage your families to use this resource for it will improve their health and thus immunity and expose them to a lot less germs than going to a local emergency room or hospital for a substance use problem.  We have four locations they can access and each of our walk-in clinics can also make referrals along with MET.  So there is no wrong door.


Our priority as an agency is to continue to offer quality evidenced based clinical services in the safest way possible. You are not alone, we are here for you!
