
If your business relies on groundwater for processing materials or supplying drinking water, the quality of the supply is paramount. However, even though underground aquifers are relatively clean, a variety of sources can contaminate them. This is why scheduling regular groundwater sampling is necessary, as you can identify any pollutants and remove them before using the water. Below are several of the most common issues that can be present in water.

What Contaminants Should You Be Aware of in Groundwater?

1. Nitrates

Wells that are near septic systems and sewage pipes face a risk of nitrate contamination if these waste disposal devices malfunction. Nitrates can also come from other sources, including fertilizer and animal waste. High levels of nitrates in the water can cause adverse reactions in pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems, leading to health issues. The nitrates can also disrupt a solution that requires clean water, resulting in unforeseen chemical reactions.

2. Heavy Metals

groundwater sampling

As water travels through the ground, it can accumulate lead, chromium, and arsenic. This is especially common if your business is near a mine, waste disposal plant, or refinery, as these industries produce and dispose of many heavy metals. Many heavy metals are also categorized as carcinogens, which increases a person's risk of cancer when exposed. A water filtration system can remove many heavy metals from water supplies to ensure safety.

3. Microorganisms

Sewage contamination can also cause bacteria and viruses to enter the water supply. For example, E. coli is one of the most commonly found bacteria in waste, and it can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you use the water to clean products before shipping them to another area, the bacteria can stick to the materials and infect people at the final destination. While water purification can eliminate many microorganisms, groundwater sampling is necessary to determine the cause of the pollution so that you can remedy it.


When you need groundwater sampling to determine the quality of your business's water, contact GeoTek Alaska in Anchorage. They use state of the art equipment and techniques to determine the quality of water coming from aquifers. They can access even hard to reach areas and insist on using environmentally friendly practices. Call (907) 569-5900 to schedule groundwater sampling. Visit the website for more information about their tools and process.
