
Part of being a responsible pet owner involves scheduling dog neutering or spaying. However, misinformation surrounding these procedures makes some pet owners reluctant to go through with them. Here are a few myths about these treatments to help you understand why they’re beneficial.

Separating Fact From Fiction About Spaying & Neutering

1. It’ll Change Their Behavior

Spaying and neutering actually prevent a wide range of behavioral issues in dogs. For instance, you won’t need to worry about scent-marking throughout the home, which can be difficult to curb once it occurs. Additionally, aggression is often toned down in male canines after the surgery, and females will be less likely to escape from home to find a mate when they’re in heat.

2. Your Pet Will Gain Weight

dog neuteringTheir weight is completely dependent on how you feed them and how much exercise they get each day. It’s true that adult dogs who’ve been fixed can experience a slowed-down metabolism, but your efforts are crucial to maintaining a healthy weight.

If you notice weight gain after the procedure, work with their veterinarian to determine the correct amount of exercise for your furry friend. You can also refine their diet, so it’s lower in calories.

3. The Procedure Is Expensive

Although the idea of paying for a surgical procedure may seem costly, the treatments are relatively affordable. Your local Humane Society® may offer services as low as $90. These clinics are committed to maintaining the stray population, and they can offer high-quality procedures for low prices because they’re supported by grants from other companies and organizations.


If you want to schedule dog neutering or spaying, turn to Florence Veterinary Hospital in Kentucky. These professionals have provided safe and effective animal sterilization procedures for over 30 years. They’ll take the time to answer any questions you may have and monitor your pet to ensure a safe recovery. To get more information about their services, visit them online or call (859) 371-6501.
