
When selecting deck and railing materials, you’re not just picking based on aesthetic. You’re looking for options that offer the best safety, are durable, and require low maintenance. These factors may narrow this choice down to cable or glass. Below, Freres Building Supply in Stayton, OR, shares some of the positives and negatives of each to help you decide.

Glass Railings

Does your home offer stunning views of your surroundings? If so, you may want to prevent impeding that perspective by choosing deck and railing materials that allow you to see in all directions. Glass railings offer this ability and can be made nearly invisible with specific posts. They offer a sleek, modern style that can work well with contemporary homes and rustic styles alike.

Glass is long-lasting and resistant to corrosion but does require frequent cleaning to keep it looking clear. Full glass railings block wind and tend to hold in heat, making the deck a warm and breeze-free space. If you’d like a slight wind and don’t want to go for full glass, choose balusters instead.

Cable Railings

deck and railing materialsHomeowners may love the unique look of cable railing. This option can run vertically or horizontally, but many people opt for the former as it discourages climbing kids and pets. Some locales have specific building rules about which version is allowed, so check with your contractor about your options.

If you live in a high-moisture area, consider deck and railing materials made of marine-grade stainless steel. This will last longer than lower-grade options, as it’s less susceptible to corrosion caused by salt and water. 

You won’t have to clean cable railings frequently unless you want to minimize salt build-up. Plus, these structures are typically more affordable than glass depending on the frame materials you choose, such as steel, stainless steel, wood, or aluminum. Many homeowners appreciate the ample breeze cable railings allow, helping them cool off while enjoying their decks. 

Choosing deck and railing materials can greatly impact the style and value of your home. Work with a design team you trust to make these important decisions. To discuss your options with the knowledgeable staff at Freres Building Supply, call (503) 769-2879. The company has provided a variety of building supplies to the Willamette Valley for more than 70 years, and continues that tradition with the help of their professional sales team and competitive pricing. You can visit their website to learn about their free material estimates and free in-town delivery.
