
Homes and businesses that use their own water well have access to a clean, natural source of water that isn’t billed by a local utility service. While this can be very advantageous, especially for those in rural areas, some will eventually find themselves in need of either deep or shallow well repair if issues arise with their pump system. The following are some of the most common problems that could affect your water well.

How to Tell If You Need Water Well Repairs

1. Sputtering Faucets

Sputtering faucets aren’t unique to homes with well pump systems. If the water sputters when you turn on the tap, it means that air is trapped in the system. While this is sometimes a temporary problem, consistently sputtering faucets indicate that the pump is malfunctioning, or that the pipe connected to the pump has cracked.

2. Water That Smells or Tastes Funny

shallow well repairAny time your water takes on a murky appearance or tastes and smells odd, it’s worth investigating. Deteriorating organic particles could result in a rotten egg smell. High iron content gives your water a reddish/brown tint that can stains clothes. In these situations, you may need to install a water filtration device.

3. Increasing Electric Bills

While a water well pump means you are free from water bills, the well pump still uses electricity. If you receive an unusually high electric bill, the well could be to blame. A malfunctioning pump or pressure switch could cause the pump to run continuously, increasing wear and tear, and driving up your bills. Your well’s water level can also affect pump usage, so consult with a plumber to see if you’ll need shallow well repair or deep well services.


Whether you need deep or shallow well repair, you can count on King’s Pump and Technical Service in Glennville, GA. Serving Southeast Georgia for over 15 years, their trained technicians are available 24/7 to help homes and businesses with help repair and maintenance issues. To learn more about their services, including water softening treatments, automatic sprinklers, and irrigation, visit them online or call (912) 654-0149.
