
If a room in your home needs more natural light and air circulation, installing a window will brighten things up. You can call a professional or, with the right building materials, you can do the installation yourself. Along with sill flashing strips, the window, and framing materials, you will also need eye protection and gloves since you will be working with glass. Here’s more information about the proper procedure for installing a window.  

A Guide to Proper Window Installation

1. Measure Once So You Don’t Cut Twice

When you get the rough opening for the window, measure the width of the top, middle, and bottom of the opening. Measure the outside dimensions, making the height and width three-fourths of an inch bigger than your window. This will ensure that you have wiggle room if you need to adjust the window to be level and even on all sides.Building Materials

2. Install Window with Care

This step is essential in the functionality and maintaining the manufacturer’s warranty. Make sure you check your window for any cracks or imperfections. Place the window in the rough opening and then apply silicone along the edges. You can install shims on the bottom to hold it in place and make it level.

3. Use Sill Flashing to Prevent Leaks

Sill flashing is water-repellent material that is installed and sealed around the window so water can roll off instead of leaking through the seams. Proper flashing will prevent a leaky window and possible water damage to your home. Instructions can vary depending on the window manufacturers. Even with a general idea of the process, it's best to follow the instructions on your specific building materials.

4. Trim and Nail Molding

To trim the molding, cut a 45-degree angle on the ends. You will want each side to exceed the window frame of about three-eighths of an inch. Then, you can nail the molding to the side of the window frame and paint it or add any finishes to give the window a stylized look.


For all your building material needs, call Stayton Builders Martlocated in Marion County, OR. They will help you find everything you need to complete your DIY project. If you need your materials delivered, this team of professionals will send your material promptly at an affordable price. For a list of the materials that they offer, go to their website, or call (503) 769-7118.
