
To stay knowledgable about pet health, you should know the signs and symptoms of the reproduction cycle. It’s important to know how to guide your cat through “queening”, or the process of them giving birth. The information below will help you provide your cat with the best care possible when she's expecting.

A Pet Health Guide for Your Pregnant Cat 

Signs of Pregnancy

Early on, your cat may experience morning sickness, just as humans do, which entails nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting.  Later, you'll notice an increase in appetite and food consumption as she starts to provide nutrients for her litter. At about the three-week mark, pregnant cats display darkening nipples. This occurs a week or two before any abdominal swelling becomes obvious. The best way to determine if your cat is pregnant is by taking them to a vet so an ultrasound can be performed. 

By the 30-day mark, you should notice her belly start to expand. You may also spot nesting behavior. Nine weeks is the average feline gestation period, and about two weeks before the birth, she'll find a peaceful spot and start arranging blankets. 

How You Can Help

pet healthProvide your cat with nutritious food. Some manufacturers market pet food especially for expecting mothers. Plan to increase the amount you feed her as the pregnancy progresses. When you notice nesting behavior, provide her with clean, soft blankets and a birthing box where she can nurse the litter. Be aware that she may choose to give birth elsewhere, but you can move the newborn kittens to the box. Touching the kittens is advisable, as long as you are gentle. 

During the birth, expect your cat to rest between kittens. However, if she is experiencing contractions for more than 20 minutes without a birth, contact a vet. Similarly, contact a pet health doctor if it takes more than two hours between births or if the kitten or its placenta appears stuck for more than a minute or two.

For comprehensive pet health care for your furry friend, contact the Hilton Veterinary Hospital in Hilton, NY. They have served Monroe County and the Greater Rochester area for more than 25 years and are dedicated to providing the best care for your pet. In addition to pet wellness exams and surgery, they also offer acupuncture for your dog or cat, dog breeding assistance, and exotic animal care. Reach out to them online through their Facebook page or call (585) 392-2937 to make an appointment.
