No matter what kind of flooring you install in your home, it will require upkeep to maintain its appearance and condition. Ceramic tile is one of the easiest types of flooring to care for, making it a common choice in bathrooms, kitchens, and other moisture-prone areas. Here's how to make your tiles look good for years to come.
3 Cleaning Tips for Ceramic Tile
1. Use Nonabrasive Formulas
Chemical cleaners can speed up the cleaning process but also damage your tiles over time. To keep your flooring in good condition for the long term, it's best to use a nonabrasive solution.
White vinegar and water are usually the recommended combination, but you should double-check with a flooring professional before choosing a cleaning formula based on the product you have installed. Finally, when cleaning, use a microfiber cloth to avoid scratching the ceramic.
2. Consider the Type of Tile Before Cleaning
Many factors can influence which cleaning method is best for your tile flooring. You may want to rely on a professional flooring contractor to evaluate your ceramic and give advice on how to clean it.
For example, unsealed tile is less resilient than sealed tile, while more vibrantly colored tile is more susceptible to fading from vigorous cleaning practices. If your tile is unsealed and brightly colored, exercise caution when using a heavy-duty scrub brush since you can cause aesthetic damage.
3. Clean the Grout Too
When you clean ceramic flooring, don't forget to focus on the lines of grout that separate the individual tiles. Grout can be cleaned with powdered oxygen bleach, water, and a heavy-duty brush or sponge. It's recommended that you apply the bleach formula and let it sit for at least an hour before you start scrubbing.
If you're looking for a flooring contractor to install or repair ceramic tile in your home, recruit Carpets To Go in Du Chien, WI. They are the most established name in flooring in the area and offer floor installation of ceramic and many other durable and attractive materials. They offer friendly financing and are members of La Crosse Area Builders Association®, ensuring their business's reliability. Visit their website to learn more about their products, or call (608) 326-1700 to speak with a team member today.