
Many homeowners prefer using heating oil for their furnaces because it’s relatively safer than natural gas. However, a few safety precautions are still necessary while storing and handling the substance. Keep your property safe with the following tips.

How to Keep Safe With Heating Oil at Home

1. Check the Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon monoxide is a combustion byproduct from converting heating oil to energy. When inhaled in significant amounts, the gas can be hazardous to your health.

Since it's colorless and odorless, recognizing its toxic presence can be difficult without a carbon monoxide detector. Regularly replace the batteries on the device to ensure it works properly. If you feel dizzy or nauseous at home for no apparent reason, try to ventilate the area and evacuate as soon as possible.

2. Schedule Routine Inspections

heating oil

Oil-powered furnaces rely on burners to convert the substance to heat. Have your appliance cleaned and inspected by a licensed technician every year to ensure safe and efficient burning. 

Routine tank checks and repairs from a heating professional also minimize the risk of damaged components, such as pipes, alarms, and filters. 

3. Keep Flammable Materials Away

Avoid placing flammable materials, such as paper, clothing, wood, and cardboard, near the oil tank, as they may catch fire when exposed to heat. Also, don't let children or pets play near the heating equipment to prevent accidents. If someone at home smokes, advise them to stay at least five feet away from the storage tank.

4. Store Oil Properly

Always keep the heating oil in storage tanks that meet safety regulations. Unapproved tanks are often fire hazards that can endanger your family. If it’s time to replace yours, consult with a heating professional first to understand the options. Consider installing a secondary compartment for the tank to reduce the dangers of leaks.

5. Be Wary of Leaks

Check the oil tank routinely for signs of leaks or spills. If left unaddressed, oil leaks can pollute the surrounding environment and contaminate the water supply. 

Once you spot a leak, temporarily plug the gap and soak up the spill with absorbent materials like cat litter, newspaper, or peat moss. Have the issue fixed by a professional as soon as possible. 


To ensure safety at home, only source your heating oil from a trusted supplier. Proudly serving residents throughout the greater Juneau, AK, area, Ike’s Fuel has provided premium quality home heating oil at the best rates for over five decades. They offer reliable delivery services to ensure you're fully stocked and comfortable. Call (907) 364-3420 to schedule an oil delivery, or visit their website for more information.
