
Home heating oil is a necessity to get through cold Alaska winters, providing a reliable source of warmth to keep your family comfortable regardless of the temperature outside. But these petroleum-based products have different types and grades that offer varying performance capabilities, and some heating systems are only compatible with certain types of oil. To ensure you use the right type for your home, learn more about some of the most common options.

Top 3 Home Heating Oil Options

1. Grade 1 Heating Oil

Grade 1 is a kerosene-based heating oil that is lighter and cleaner than gas oil. It's formulated when raw crude oil condenses during the refining process and generally undergoes additional filtering to eliminate pollutants, which provides cleaner and more efficient operation. Kerosene also has lower waxing, gel, and clouding points, allowing it to operate effectively even in temperatures well below zero.

2. Grade 2 Heating Oil

home heating oil

Grade 2 heating oil is produced during the same process that forms Grade 1 oil, though it's heavier and removed later in the refining process. As a result, it has more pollutants and sulfur than Grade 1 oil, and the furnace system it's used in may require more frequent cleaning. However, it's still highly efficient and less expensive than higher-grade fuel.

3. Gas Oil

Gas oil, also known as red diesel oil, is a heavier fuel source than kerosene-based options. Gas oil is generally used in older boilers in commercial and agricultural facilities. Though it's not used often nowadays, old residential boiler systems may still need this fuel. With its lower efficiency and increased pollutant rates, an old boiler system that relies on gas oil should be replaced sooner rather than later.


If you need quality home heating oil to keep your family comfortable, turn to Ike’s Fuel in Douglas, AK. Serving the Juneau area since 1966, this independent heating oil provider even offers automatic deliveries so you never have to worry about running out of fuel. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (907) 364-3420.
