
It’s never too late to start training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. In fact, this form of martial arts is an excellent cardiovascular and muscle-building workout for senior citizens to enjoy. If you’re looking for ways to stay in shape and learn something new, here are a few reasons why elderly individuals should try Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Top 4 Reasons Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Is Great for Senior Citizens

1. Improve Memory

When you begin training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, you’ll be exposed to new traditions, training etiquettes, and a variety of movements and techniques. By learning something new and progressing in your practice, you’ll keep your mind sharp and improve hand-eye coordination. 

2. Stay Fit

Brazilian Jiu-JitsuSenior citizens may feel like it’s difficult to find ways to stay fit that are both accessible and fun. Martial arts training will keep your cardiovascular system in great shape through warm-ups, sparring, and the memorization of new techniques. You’ll build muscle and keep your heart healthy while participating in invigorating classes. 

3. Make New Friends

A great Brazilian jiu-jitsu training center feels like a true community. You’ll get to know instructors and fellow students right away. These friendships often extend beyond classes into other social gatherings that will keep you active and entertained. 

4. Relieve Stress

Students of all ages deal with stress and anxiety due to family obligations, work, or health-related problems. By practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu in a safe environment with experienced coaches, you’ll increase endorphin levels and clear away any worries that hold you back each day.


If you call the Greater Scarsdale, NY, area home, 914 Training Center is your go-to facility to learn a variety of martial arts, including Brazilian jiu-jitsu and krav maga. With top-notch instructors dedicated to running a school that is inspiring, community-oriented, and welcoming to students of all ages, you can trust these coaches to increase your athleticism and, in turn, your self-confidence. Call them today at (914) 437-5353 to learn about self-defense training for the elderly, or visit them online to browse their current class schedule.
