
If you are among the millions who work or study in front of a computer all day, eye care becomes extra essential. In addition to eye fatigue and dry eyes, those who stare at screens daily become vulnerable to computer vision syndrome (CVS). Take a moment to learn more about the common syndrome and what you can do to prevent it. 

Causes & Symptoms

The direct result of extended screen usage without breaks, computer vision syndrome refers to a group of eye issues. Laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones all contribute to computer vision syndrome, as digital screens force the eyes to work harder. 

Issues such as blurry screens, glares and reflections, and lacking contrast between backgrounds and screen content exacerbate CVS, as does viewing screens in poor lighting and being too close or far from the screen. And since people often blink less when they’re using digital screens, their eyes dry out quickly. 

eye care

Symptoms vary by individual, but typically include dry and itchy eyes, double vision, blurry vision, eye strain, focusing problems, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, backaches, and nearsightedness. 

Prevention Tips 

Prevent computer vision syndrome symptoms by taking periodic breaks. Use the 20-20-20 eye care rule for best results: direct your eyes away from the screen every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. 

Make workstation adjustments to avoid straining your eyes or neck, such as positioning the screen 15 to 20 degrees below eye level 20 to 28 inches away from your face. Reduce glare by moving your monitor and closing blinds as needed and using an anti-glare screen filter. Also, adjust your chair so your feet are flat on the ground and your arms support your wrists. 

Eye care tips additionally include blinking often and wearing glasses instead of contacts, as the latter dry eyes out faster. If your symptoms persist despite making changes, see an eye doctor to discuss vision therapy options. 


Schedule an eye exam with Dr. Ron Sealock if you need help combatting CVS or it’s time for a routine checkup. The eye doctor in Dothan, AL, provides IWellness™ glaucoma scans with eye exams and uses a Zeiss Clarus retinal camera to capture images without dilating pupils. Call (334) 793-9607 today to make an eye care appointment or visit the website for additional information.
