
Under most circumstances, asbestos presence in the home isn’t a cause for concern. However, it can pose a health risk in certain situations, which is why homeowners can feel it necessary to arrange for professional asbestos removal. Here’s what you need to know about this substance.

How Do You Know If Asbestos Is Present?

Asbestos was a favorite building material before the 1980s because it provided strong, cheap insulation and was resistant to electricity, fire, water, and chemicals. It was only later that the substance was tied to increased cancer risk. Because of this, the older your home, the more likely you’ll find it in cement products, vermiculite insulation, textured paint, patching compounds on wall and ceiling joints, steam or hot water pipes, roof shingles, or vinyl flooring.

asbestos removal

Asbestos particles are primarily dangerous when airborne. This means exposure is possible if you perform drywall drilling, old pipe replacement, and DIY renovation. With this in mind, consider hiring a specialist to test your home for asbestos before you begin remodeling. It’s almost impossible to confirm its presence by looking at it, so they will need to take samples for testing. 

What Are Your Options?

If your home has asbestos, the next step is to determine its type and location. You’ll also need to know whether it’s friable—easily broken apart and released into the air. Although non-friable asbestos doesn't pose an immediate danger, you should still monitor it constantly for signs of damage and deterioration. 

Remember not to touch something that you think contains asbestos. Asbestos removal is often the best option to ensure you get rid of the material permanently. However, it’s crucial to choose a certified professional since removal carries the risk of releasing fibers into the air if not done correctly.


If you suspect asbestos in your home, contact Priority 1 Construction Service in Cincinnati, OH. This top insulation contractor serves customers in the Tri-State area and offers safe and reliable asbestos removal services using industry-leading techniques. You can also count on their experienced technicians if you need insulation removal, fireproofing, and mold abatement. Call (513) 922-0203 today to schedule a service, or visit their website to know more about their offerings.
