
Whether you’re making marinara sauce or mulled wine, your kitchen’s tile backsplash may have to deal with plenty of colorful spatters. However, this section is essential to the aesthetic beauty of your kitchen. While tile refinishing will help you restore areas that have been damaged, here are a few maintenance tips that will help you keep them pristine.

How to Take Care of Your Ceramic Tile Backsplash

1. Wipe the Tiles 

While you might not have time to pursue a deep cleaning every day, you can take care of your backsplash by wiping it down once a week.

tile refinishingSimply add one cup of water and ¼ cup of baking soda to a spray bottle, then shake it. Spray the mixture on your tiles for a natural cleaning solution that won’t scratch or affect the color. Then, wipe off the grease, dust, and other splatters with a microfiber cloth.

2. Clean the Grout

Thanks to its porous surface, the grout is susceptible to discoloration over time. To clean it, mix hot water with soap, then use that to scrub the lines with a hard-bristled toothbrush. For tough stains, you might need to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Do this once a month to avoid permanent stains.

3. Take Action Fast

Early intervention is the key to prolonging the life span of your backsplash. Instead of waiting for that weekly cleaning every time, take action as soon as you cause spatters. This way, the substance won’t harden and stain the grout, making it easier to wipe. If you see crumbs or dust, use a vacuum with a brush attachment. This will help you dig into those hard-to-reach crevices.


If your kitchen backsplash looks dull or scratched, turn to Contemporary Refinishing today. They offer tile refinishing services to clients throughout St. Louis, MO, and the surrounding areas. They can also fill any cracks or holes compromising the grout. Within 24 hours of the appointment, your backsplash will be back to its original glory. Visit their website to learn more about their tile refinishing work, or call (314) 520-0857 to schedule an appointment.
