
Welcoming a new little one into the home can feel both exciting and slightly nerve-wracking. While babies are fun to snuggle with, they come with major responsibilities, including ensuring that they maintain the proper level of health. Fortunately, understanding the basic milestones and how a pediatric dentist can help will produce instant peace of mind. Take a closer look at the following to determine what to expect when it comes to the dental health of your little ones.

What Are Some Major Dental Milestones for Children?

1. First Tooth

Until your child gets their first tooth, gently wipe the surface of their gums with a warm, damp washcloth. This will prevent bacteria growth and preserve their oral health. They might start teething around 4 to 6 months old. Avoid using a toothbrush until the first tooth fully erupts through the gums, as this could further irritate the tissue. Continue to wipe the areas where there are no teeth until they develop a full set. 

2. Dental Visit

pediatric dentist

Take your child to the pediatric dentist shortly after their first tooth makes an appearance. They can monitor its progress and ensure that everything is growing in straight.

As your little one gets older, the dentist will provide instructions on how to keep their teeth clean. This can include brushing for a total of two minutes and using a fluoride mouthwash to strengthen the enamel. 

3. Tooth Fairy

Children will start losing their baby teeth anywhere from 6 to 10 years of age. This occurs when their permanent set fully develops and begins pushing up from underneath. Encourage them to keep wiggling each tooth as it loosens so that it becomes easier to pull out when the time comes. 

Have them rinse their mouth and hold a damp washcloth over the area until it stops bleeding. Wrap it up in a bit of tissue and put it under their pillow for the Tooth Fairy to find.


If your child requires a checkup with the pediatric dentist, reach out to William B. Collier Jr., DMD, of Enterprise, AL. He has more than 35 years of experience and commits to providing friendly dental services. As a family dentist, he upholds the highest standards and provides only the latest in cosmetic treatments and general hygiene. Call (334) 347-5026 to schedule an appointment or visit the website for additional information on his services.
