
While you’re busy at your workstation, it’s easy to forget about your posture. Unfortunately, slouching can have adverse effects on your health and job performance. This overview explains the potential consequences and how you can avoid them.

What Are the Benefits of Proper Posture at Your Desk?

If you don't sit properly in your seat you will likely experience muscle strain in your neck, shoulders, and back. This is because the awkward position creates unnecessary muscle tension, which causes inflammation that results in chronic pain.  Poor posture can also inhibit blood circulation, resulting in blood clots and varicose veins.

You may also feel more tired after sitting in an incorrect position for long periods. This is because the musculoskeletal structure has to work harder to support the body, leaving you feeling fatigued. By sitting upright and relieving that pressure, you may feel more energetic while your breathing improves and therefor you have higher oxygen levels.

How Can You Sit Properly?

Your chair should fully support your back. Adjust the tilt so you can sit at an angle slightly greater than 90-degrees. (Upright but without the chair pushing you forward.)  As you face your desk, your feet should rest flat on the floor. and the angle of your legs should create your thighs being parallel to the floor without pressure behind your knees nor excessively on your tail bone area.  Folding your legs back under the chair is really bad for your circulation; it’s a common cause for cold feet.

WorkstationYour eyes should be parallel to the top of your computer monitor as well. Place the monitor a full arm’s length away. However, make sure nothing is too out of reach. If you have to overstretch to grab the phone, stapler, or your stash of snacks, it can create too much tension and pull your muscles. 

That's not to say you shouldn't stretch. Take 10- to 15-minute breaks frequently throughout the day. As you stand up, slowly extend your arms and legs to promote better blood circulation. This type of standing exercise will keep your muscles loose and versatile. Otherwise, they will tighten and shrink, becoming more prone to tearing.   Stop by one of our showrooms and try using an adjustable height table.


If your workstation isn't designed to support correct posture, consider replacing your desk and chair. Office Furniture Connection has a broad inventory of office furnishings. They have locations in Erlanger, KY, and Loveland, OH, to provide greater convenience for their customers. When you visit their website, you can browse the special deals they offer. Call them at (513) 984-6620 with any inquiries.
