
While most opt for a traditional chlorine swimming pool, many homeowners may prefer the benefits of saltwater. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so ultimately, your choice should come down to preference. Use the guide below to select the best pool for your home.

Chlorine Pool

As you may already know, these types of swimming pools must be balanced with tablet or liquid chlorine. This process sanitizes the pool and kills germs, keeping the water safe and clean to swim in. Chlorine pools have a lower cost of installation than saltwater pools, and maintenance will be a bit easier. They also consume less energy. Chlorine is not corrosive, so it will not damage the surface or fixtures of your pool.

The downside of chlorine is that it can dry out your skin and hair and irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. If you use your pool often, your swimwear may come out bleached. Some find the smell of chlorine unpleasant as well. After installation, the cost of maintenance tends to be higher. Chlorine products are more costly than pool-grade salt.

Saltwater Pool

swimming pool

Contrary to popular belief, saltwater pools still use chlorine. Unlike chlorine pools, however, they make their own through the process of electrolysis. Just add pool-grade salt to the chlorine generator, and the pool will produce the chemical for a safe and clean swim. The major difference is, saltwater pools produce fewer chloramines. These are the byproduct of chlorine mixing with ammonia. That means saltwater swimming pools do not have the strong smell and dry feeling associated with chlorine pools. Some even note that the water feels softer and smoother. 

Saltwater pools are also gentler on the eyes, nose, throat, skin, and hair, and your clothing is much less likely to be bleached. Long-term maintenance will be more affordable without the need for chlorine tablets or liquid.

Unfortunately, the initial installation costs are steep. The chlorine generators utilize electricity, which can run up your energy bills as well. Saltwater is more abrasive and corrosive and can damage swimming pool surfaces, fixtures, and lighting. If there is a problem with the chlorine generator or pool system, it will need to be handled by a professional. Ongoing maintenance can be tedious. You will need to monitor chlorine levels weekly and check and clean the generator often.

If you are ready to upgrade your home with a swimming pool, turn to Central Pacific Specialty Contractors of Aiea, HI, to get the job done right. As the leading concrete contractor on Oahu, this team specializes in creative designs, innovative products, and precise techniques that ensure customer satisfaction. From decorative concrete and flat work to waterproofing and repairs, their skilled staff will complete your project on time and within your budget. Call (808) 262-2527 to start discussing your dream pool with a team member. For more information about their services, visit them online.
