3 Tips for Keeping a Professional Kitchen From Getting Clogged Drains
A busy commercial kitchen is highly susceptible to clogged drains. Severe clogs then impede a restaurant's operation. For example, staff are unable to wash their hands and cannot clean dishes, forcing food service to a halt. Prevent this situation by following the tips below.
How to Avoid Drain Clogs in a Restaurant Kitchen
1. Scrape Food Scraps Into the Trash
Ensure your employees are scraping most of their food scraps into the garbage before hosing down plates in the sink. Too much food debris will gather and clog your pipes if it is not disposed of properly. Watch your employees and monitor that they clear plates correctly, especially during lunch and dinner rushes. Consider adding a strainer to keep larger debris from flowing down your pipes when your staff mistakenly drops food in the sink.
Your team should generally stick to this rule even if your restaurant has a garbage disposal, as the impeller blades are often not enough to tackle animal bones, fibrous vegetables, and coffee grounds. If you do use this system for safer food debris, have staff members pour baking soda, followed by a vinegar chaser, down the drain regularly before rinsing the mixture with hot water to keep it clean.
2. Don't Pour Grease Down the Drains
Your employees might be tempted to pour fat, grease, and oil down the sink. However, while these substances may be liquid straight out of the pan, they will cool and harden in your pipes, causing clogged drains that are expensive to clear out. Most restaurants have grease traps that automatically separate grease from wastewater to prevent clogs. However, if they become full, they cannot do their job until professional plumbers pump the system. Therefore, deal with these liquids by allowing them to solidify in a container and throwing them in the trash. Staff members should also wipe down greasy dishes with a cloth before washing them.
3. Run Hot Water After Using Your Sink
Have your employees run hot water down the pipes after using all sinks. Even if they are careful, little pieces of debris and grease will inevitably end up in your drains. The hot water will hopefully break down clumps and send organic matter through to the sewage system.
If your restaurant kitchen needs plumbing help, Taylor's Drain & Sewer Service tackles clogged drains throughout Lincoln, NE, and the surrounding areas. This drain and sewer cleaning service has decades of experience offering water jetting, sewer cleaning, grease trap pumping, and other plumbing services to residential and commercial properties. Visit their website to learn more about their offerings, or call (402) 474-5213 to arrange an estimate.