
If you've recently moved into a home with its own septic system, you probably have lots of questions. It's essential for new homeowners to understand how these systems work and what type of maintenance is involved. Services like septic pumping can prevent failure of the system. This guide goes over a few important basics regarding maintenance and best practices. 

4 FAQ About Septic Systems

How do septic tanks work?

All waste water coming from your home flows to your underground septic tank. Solid waste settles at the bottom, while liquid waste flows through to the drain field. The drain field is made up of perforated pipes, which release waste water into the surrounding soil. Bacteria treat the waste water as it percoates through the soil, ensuring it can be safely reintegrated into the environment. 

How often should the tank be pumped?

Pumping service keeps the level of solid waste manageable in the tank to prevent clogs, leaks, and other issues. It's recommended that you schedule septic pumping once every three to five years. However, the exact schedule depends on the size of your tank and how much water your family uses. A septic technician can assess your home to determine the best pumping schedule. 

septic pumping

How can I keep the system in good shape?

Being mindful of your home water usage prevents the tank from flooding and also saves money on your utility bills. When doing laundry, it's better to do many small loads over the course of a few days, as opposed to one large one on a single day. When it comes to the dishwasher, try to use it at night when no other plumbing appliances are being used. Lastly, try to avoid using multiple appliances at once—if someone is showering, don't use the dishwasher and washing machine at the same time. 

Are cleaning products bad for septic tanks? 

While regular pumping is crucial, bacteria that live in your septic tank also help keep the level of solid waste under control. This bacteria can be negatively affected by harsh cleaning chemicals, including bleach and ammonia. When shopping for products, always look for items that have "septic-safe" on the label, as these products are designed for use with septic systems.


Knowing where to turn for reliable septic pumping is also crucial. Serving Lincoln, NE, for more than 40 years, Taylor's Drain & Sewer Service can assist you with repairs and maintenance. They also provide a wide range of plumbing services for homeowners, including leak detection and clog-clearing. In addition to their skill and knowledge, they use state-of-the-art camera equipment to inspect your system and determine the best solutions. Visit the website to learn more about their services, or call (402) 474-5213 to schedule an appointment. 
