
Eczema results in itchy, inflamed, and red skin. It is a common medical condition that looks like a dry, thickened, scaly, or patchy rash. If you believe you have this condition, your doctor will provide a diagnosis and explain treatment options that suit your circumstances. In the meantime, use this helpful guide to learn more. 

What Causes Eczema?

Experts are still uncertain about what causes eczema. However, it’s believed that it occurs when the immune system overreacts to an irritant. It is not contagious. 

Researchers have noted that people with fair skin and those with allergies or asthma may be more susceptible to the condition. It may also be associated with a minor genetic mutation, so it tends to run in families. 

There is currently no cure, but medication and trigger avoidance are usually enough to mitigate symptoms. Some common triggers include: 

  • Dry skin and low-humidity environments 
  • Certain metals, like nickel
  • Allergens like mold, pollen, pet dander
  • Hormones
  • Harsh soaps, fragrances, cleaners
  • Scratchy fabrics, like wool 
  • Stress
  • Excessive sweat 

What Are Ways to Relieve the Itchiness?

eczemaLotions are recommended to keep the skin moist. For best results, you should apply the cream daily and immediately after bathing, while the skin is still damp. Look for a fragrance- and dye-free product at your pharmacy. 

Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter products, such as hydrocortisone cream or antihistamines. They may also prescribe topical ointments. For more persistent cases, they may use ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy, or refer you to a clinic that provides this treatment.

They will also talk to you about how to change lifestyle factors that may impact the condition, such as high stress levels. 


Refill your eczema prescriptions at Columbia Hickory Pharmacy in Columbia, MD. For over 50 years, they have provided excellent customer care. They offer prescription refills, basic pharmaceutical supplies, and knowledgeable consultation. This team of professionals happily caters to each patient’s needs to provide relief and peace of mind. Visit their website or call (410) 964-6409 to speak with a helpful representative. 
