
You might already follow a skin care routine at home, but getting a facial can do so much more than your products on the bathroom counter. A facial is a professional treatment that involves exfoliation, cleansing, and moisturizing to get rid of acne and scars or to create a tighter and more dewy look. Although one treatment can make a big difference for your skin, regular facials can be transformative in how your face appears and feels. Here's a look at what you'll enjoy with recurring appointments.

How Regular Facials Can Change Your Skin

1. Deeply Clean

Although you probably use a cleanser at home each day on your face, a professional will be able to deeply clean the skin more thoroughly than you can with at-home products. The facialist will use steam to open pores and professional techniques to extract blackheads and other lingering oil and dirt deep in the skin. By cleaning out the skin more frequently, you'll start to notice that the products you put on your face every day can penetrate deeper and work more effectively.

2. Slow Aging


A face massage, when done properly, promotes circulation to the face. This helps the skin produce more collagen and boost cell regeneration, which acts as an anti-aging measure and prevents wrinkles from forming. With regular facials, you can keep this boost going and enjoy younger-looking skin. 

3. Beautify

Professional facialists have experience treating various skin conditions, such as acne, acne scars, discoloration, and rosacea. No matter what your skin concern is, you can talk with your technician to determine the best way to treat your face. Whether you're concerned about dull skin or under-eye circles, the procedure can focus on providing a beauty boost. 


If you're looking to start incorporating facials into your skin care regimen, reach out to MassageLuXe in Edwardsville, IL. The full-service spa also has comfortable, calming locations in Springfield, IL, and Carmel, IN. These massage therapy professionals offer a variety of massage services, from deep tissue and therapeutic massage to aromatherapy and skin care. Whether you want a specialty massage or a facial, their team will ensure you feel and look your best. Call (618) 307-0093 to schedule an appointment at the Edwardsville, IL, spa, (217) 702-4444 to speak to a team member in Springfield, IL, or (317) 203-3303 to reach the Carmel, IN, location. Visit them online to learn more about their services. 
