
People love to shop with their eyes, and many bakeries rely on this for business. That's why you need well-organized displays to best showcase your baked goods and commercial refrigeration units to keep them fresh. Whether you're renovating the bakery or starting a new business, use the following tips for the best results.

How to Display Baked Goods

1. Use Separate Refrigeration

Commercial refrigeration is recommended for baked goods that contain fruit and dairy so they don't spoil. It's also ideal if you've expanded your menu with sandwiches, cheeses, and other perishables. Purchase a second display for these so you can separate them from breads, cookies, rolls, and other goods that need open-air storage so they don't dry out.

2. Install the Right Lighting

commercial refrigerationGood lighting will highlight the best parts of your baked goods. Commercial refrigeration systems with overhead lighting bring attention to icing textures, add shimmer to glossy coatings, and make food look appealing. You can also add hanging pendant lighting over displays to catch customers' attention and draw them closer.

3. Keep Displays Clean

It only takes a bit of dirt or grease to turn a customer away, so keep your commercial refrigeration units clean. Wipe them down before and after every shift, and clear fingerprints off the glass throughout the day. You can also lay down wax paper or fabrics to capture crumbs so displays are easier to clean. Consider something bright to enhance the colors of your goods further.


If you’re searching for a commercial refrigeration unit or need maintenance for your existing equipment, contact Ron Hammes Refrigeration in La Crosse, WI. These professionals know how important these units are to your business, which is why they’re committed to timely repairs and installations. They also perform yearly inspections to test the thermostats so they maintain the right temperatures. Call (608) 788-3110 to schedule a service today, and visit their website to learn more about their offerings. You’ll also find more insights on their Facebook page.
