
When you get a new cat, they quickly become a part of your family. Understanding how best to care for them can be a learning curve and should involve talking with your veterinarian. An essential aspect of caring for your kitty is knowing how to correctly hold them for when they need to receive medicine or be taken away from unsafe situations. 

How to Handle Your Cat Without Scruffing

What is Scruffing?

Scruffing refers to different holding techniques where the skin at the back of the cat's neck is used. It was developed after observing the responses of kittens when picked up by their mother cats. When kittens are picked up by their mothers, using this technique, they go limp. This is due to a response known as the flexor reflex, but it is only present for the first few weeks of their life. 

As cats age, they are only grabbed like this in limited situations such as mating, fighting, or being attacked. Because of this, scruffing can trigger an anxiety or fear response in cats. 

Are There Any Alternative Handling Techniques?


Veterinarians now recommend other ways to handle your kitty without causing stress or fear. One way to effectively hold your cat, such as when they need to be given medicine, is the towel technique. Gently wrap a towel around your kitty before holding them. This ensures that you don't get scratched, and your cat still feels like they can hide if needed. Other simple ways to handle your cat, depending on what you need to do, can include distracting your kitty with treats or play. 

When you need to handle or hold your cat, approaching your cat calmly is the best way to do so. If you are calm, your pet is also more likely to remain calm. Avoid direct eye contact and approaching from the front, as this can be a sign of aggression. If your cat seems fearful or stressed out, allow them to stay in dark or semi-hidden spaces as you handle them. 


If you have questions about more techniques to handle your cat, trust Countryside Veterinary Service to help. This veterinary practice prides itself on expert and kind care for pets throughout northeastern Ohio and northwestern Pennsylvania. Their friendly staff and veterinarians are there to handle all of your pet's needs. To schedule an appointment, call (440) 632-9181. Visit them online to learn more about their services.
