
The early stages of breast cancer show few signs. In fact, without regular breast exams, the symptoms can easily go unnoticed. Performing self-exams routinely is a safe start, but gynecologists recommend scheduling routine checkups with a licensed OBGYN. Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology LLP, located in Rochester, NY, provides premier health care services and specializes in robotic surgery for breast cancer patients. Here, they list three reasons breast exams are so important.

3 Reasons to Schedule Regular Breast Exams

1. Receive Professional Support

While you can check for lumps on your own, it is important to have breast exams done by a gynecologist, as they are professionally trained to look for signs of cancer. A well-woman exam is usually covered by insurance and only takes 30 minutes to an hour. This is a short amount of time to spend on your health and peace of mind.

2. Detect Cancer Early

breast examIf your gynecologist discovers any cancerous cells during your breast exam, they’ll quickly recommend a treatment plan. In fact, the sooner cancer is discovered, the more effective the treatments are. And by visiting your OBGYN regularly, you are more likely to discover any signs of cancer early.

3. Set a Good Example

Going to your gynecologist for a pap smear, contraception, or breast exam not only takes care of your own health, but also teaches your daughter or niece to take care of hers. The children in your life are likely to mirror your actions, so it is important to talk about and receive breast exams regularly so they understand their importance.

Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology LLP in Rochester provides a variety of high-quality services to their patients, including breast exams. To schedule an appointment, call (585) 225-6680, or visit their website for more information.
