3 Reasons to Undergo an Annual Well-Woman Exam & Pap Smear
Preventive care is essential to living a full and happy life. It may seem counterintuitive—why visit the doctor if you feel perfectly fine?—but undergoing annual well-woman exams and a periodic Pap smear allows your gynecologist to diagnose and treat any minor issues before they turn into major concerns. Here, the friendly team at Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology in New York discusses the importance of these yearly appointments.
Why Get a Well-Woman Exam & Pap Smear?
1. Effective Cancer Prevention
During every well-woman exam, a doctor reviews your age, medical history, and risk factors to determine if you’re due for a Pap smear or mammogram. These screenings give providers the opportunity to identify and treat any abnormal cells before they develop into something more serious or metastasize. The Pap smear procedure can reveal cervical cancer in its earliest stages, while a mammogram identifies any questionable masses in the chest.
2. Optimal Reproductive Health
Regardless of whether you want children or have already had them, it’s important to maintain your reproductive health. At every well-woman exam, you can discuss any issues and concerns, including family planning, birth control, menstruation, menopause, and conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome.
3. Thorough Medical Records
Every well-woman exam reveals a little more about your body and ensures that medical records are up-to-date and comprehensive. Thorough documentation makes it easier for doctors to identify any abnormalities as you age. For example, it is common for women to develop ovarian cysts and lumpy breast tissue every month around menstruation. But they are typically only cause for concern if their usual qualities change over time.
If it has been over 12 months since your last well-woman visit, contact Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology. Located in Rochester, NY, they offer comprehensive OB-GYN services in a warm, family-like atmosphere and provide flexible evening hours for your convenience. Visit the website to learn more about the assistance they provide, including for Pap smears, or call (585) 225-6680 to make an appointment today.