Your Quick Guide of the Variations of Glass Pipes
By 5J Music
Being new to the world of glasswork can be difficult, as there are an array of terms to learn. Finding a variety of glass pipes is tough unless you look to an authorized vendor like 5J Music. The company can supply you with a plethora of different types of quality pipes made for smoking tobacco.
The Types Of Glass Pipes
There are five different styles of glass pipes that allow you to smoke your tobacco more efficiently, depending on your desires. A simple way to recognize and remember a pipe style is by their shape, as their name coincides with what they look like.
While there are variations of these types of pipes, most designs fall under one of five shapes.
A chillum pipe is also known as a hand pipe. Sleek and straightforward in design, a chillum is a glass tube that can handle minimal amounts of tobacco. If you’re someone new who wants to get the hang of a pipe before making a bigger purchase, this is an excellent way to get your feet wet. Those who are transitioning from vapes to pipes should consider this style.
A steamroller pipe has a bit more of a sophisticated design and may not be for everyone. Recommended for those who are more advanced in smoking, the chambers inside allow the smoke to have a rolling effect from the end of the pipe to your mouth. Because of this unique smoke curation style, it provides a “heavy hit.”
One of the most generic styles of pipes, a spoon has a carburetor, unlike the chillum. In having this feature, more air can be pulled into the device, allowing for fresh smoke much quicker than those without a carburetor.
Sherlock/Gandalf Pipes
The Sherlock/Gandalf style of pipe has that iconic shape we all know so well from movies and books. While these pipes have different types of stems, they both give the user an unfiltered product.
Finally, bubblers are a water-based pipe that provide fresh, “cooled” off smoke without that resin aftertaste. While cold water is typically the type smokers use with this pipe, hot water can also be used.
If you’re looking for something that provides a smooth and seamless experience, there’s a glass pipe for you. In addition to their music products, 5J Music sells a variety of pipes to fit your needs. For more information, call them at (775) 778-0484. To virtually view their selection, visit their website.