When you are at the office, concentrating on work can be difficult. One tried-and-true method for blocking out distracting sounds is listening to music. Why does it become easier to buckle down on tasks as soon as you put your headphones on? 5J Music in Elko, NV, shares some helpful information about how music can affect your productivity.
Listening to Music While Working
How Does Music Affect Your Productivity?
If you work in a modern open office setting, putting on your headphones doesn’t always equate to being antisocial. If you find it difficult to complete tasks on time in this type of environment, listening to music is scientifically proven to help your productivity. Research shows that listening to music elevates your mood and can increase perception and problem-solving skills.
Why Does It Work?
In the early 1900s, scientist Ivan Pavlov studied a similar kind of association in dogs. He discovered that, with the right conditioning, the dogs would respond to other stimuli in the same way they would respond to food. In later years, it was discovered that humans can also be conditioned in this manner. When you listen to your favorite music, your brain releases dopamine as a reward. This chemical is known for elevating mood and making the human body feel pleasure. Dopamine also increases concentration and makes it easier to complete tasks. When you pair music with work, you begin to associate these tasks with pleasurable tunes. This motivates you to finish quickly.
Are you ready to boost your productivity at work by listening to music? Head over to 5J Music. With over 20 years of experience in vinyl albums, sheet music, and instrument sales, this shop is a wonderful place for all music lovers. Whether you’re looking for a specific album or just browsing for something new, their knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you. For more information about their music selection, call them at (775) 778-0484.