
Scuba diving can be an exhilarating experience for anyone interested in exploring the ocean. The rare opportunities afforded to those who go scuba diving include staying underwater for long periods of time and seeing all kinds of marine species. But it's important to keep a few things in mind when putting on the scuba gear, especially for novices. Banzai Divers, in Honolulu, HI, shares a few tips on scuba diving below. 

3 Top Scuba Diving Tips

1. Pause Before the Dive

After you've put on all your scuba diving gear, right before your dive, pause to double-check everything. Is all your gear on? Is your diving partner ready? Is the water clear of watercraft and other obstructions? Take a full minute to carefully examine everything, making sure you haven't forgotten any details in preparation for the dive. 

2. Take a Mental Picture of the Anchor Line

scuba divingOnce you've descended all the way to max depth, pause again. This time, you want to observe the surrounding area, doing your best to memorize the place where the anchor line is located. This way when you've finished your dive and want to return to the boat, you'll remember exactly where to go. 

3. Move in Slow Motion

Moving around underwater in scuba gear can be challenging to adapt to. It's important to remember that water resistance increases the faster you move. When underwater, try to move in slow motion. This will minimize resistance and help you conserve energy. 

Banzai Divers offers Hawaii vacationers a chance to participate in scuba tours in some of the most beautiful, wildlife-rich waters in the world. The professionals at Banzai can work with individuals of all skill levels, from first-timers to more experienced divers to kids ages 10 and up. They even offer shark tours for more intrepid adventurers. Visit the team's website to learn more about their wide variety of scuba diving tours, or call them directly at (808) 462-8290. 
