
From cooking and washing dishes to bathing and doing laundry, your household responsibilities often use a lot of water. Its quality can affect its taste, color, and smell, and it can even impact your skin, hair, and overall health. When professionally installed, a water purification system will offer a steady supply free of harsh mineral deposits, bacteria, and other impurities. If you're unsure about the quality of what's flowing through your home's plumbing, here are a few signs you may need a water treatment system that provides consistent purification.

How to Tell if You Need a Water Purification System

1. Unpleasant Taste

Drinking water should always be clean, fresh, and almost tasteless. If you notice frequent salty, bitter, metallic, or murky tastes, high levels of calcium and magnesium could be the culprits. These minerals are common in hard water and can affect water quality. A purification system will eliminate impurities and provide you with a delicious beverage straight from the faucet.

2. Dry Skin & Hair

The minerals in hard water can also cause dry skin and hair. Because of the calcium and mineral deposits present, soap and shampoo can't produce enough lather. 

Even after being rinsed, your skin and hair may still be arid or brittle. If you feel dry and uncomfortable after showering, a purification system can ensure your water is free of moisture-robbing impurities. 

3. Strange Smells

water treatment

Fresh water is odorless and colorless. The home's supply should never have any unusual smells. If you notice frequent odors, there could be rust, sediment, and other corrosive materials present. 

For example, high levels of hydrogen sulfide gas will typically produce a rotten egg smell. A water treatment specialist can get to the root of the problem with a purification system. The best products are designed to detect contaminants and completely remove them, which will also eliminate unpleasant odors.

4. Drab Laundry

Pay attention to how your clothing appears after a load of laundry. White clothes may come out gray, and colored garments might lose their vibrancy. Even if you switch detergents, you might still find dull clothing in your laundry machines.

Hard water can cause shirts, pants, and other items to look drab and faded. A water treatment system that removes minerals, sediments, and other contaminants that rob laundry of its vibrancy will ensure your clothes look beautiful after a wash.  


If you want a high-quality water supply, turn to Oehler Pump & Well Service in North Carolina. Serving the community since 1970, the locally-owned company offers a range of water treatment solutions. From purification systems and softeners to rust and dirt filters, they do it all. They serve homeowners in Mecklenburg, Iredell, and Cabarrus counties. For a free estimate on a water purification system, call (704) 875-2209. Visit them online to see the full lineup of water treatment options. 
